Quick tip: Determine the VMware Horizon Agent options for a silent/unattended installation
When performing a silent/unattended installation of the Horizon Agent client you must specify MSI properties and Horizon Agent options to define the configuration of the agent. When a new version of the Horizon Agent comes available the documentation is not always available yet or up to date. When using a silent install of the VMware Horizon Agent with wrong options can result in a setup failed 1603 error.
A quick way to determine what options are available for the Horizon Agent that can be used is to install the Horizon Agent and manually select/deselect the options. After the installation and reboot open Regedit an browse to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VMware, Inc.\Installer\Features_HorizonAgent
Al the options/features are listed and have a value of:
- Local = Installed/enabled
- Absent = Not Installed/disabled
These options can be used for silent installing the VMware Horizon Agent. Here is an example that install the Horizon Agent:
VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-7.10.0-14590940.exe /s /v"/qn VDM_VC_MANAGED_AGENT=1 VDM_FLASH_URL_REDIRECTION=1 RDP_CHOICE=1 INSTALL_VDISPLAY_DRIVER=1 ADDLOCAL=BlastUDP,Core,HelpDesk,NGVC,PerfTracker,ClientDriveRedirection,RTAV,RDP,ThinPrint,TSMMR,USB,V4V,VMWMediaProviderProxy,VmwVaudio,VmwVdisplay,VmwVidd REBOOT=Reallysuppress"
In this example the following MSI properties are installed:
- RDP is enabled
- The agent is installed is a vCenter Managed desktop
- Flash URL redirection is enabled
- Installs the WDDM display driver
For the VMware Horizon Agent options refer to the following link .