Get the highest concurrent license usage from a VMware Horizon environment
In some managed VMware Horizon environments, I wanted to know the highest concurrent users per month. This information can be found in the Horizon Administrator Console under Settings -> Product Licensing and Usage -> Usage.
Using the VMware Horizon Administrator console is a manual task. I wanted to automate this. To automated this use VMware PowerCLI which supports access to the View API.
To automate retrieve thehighest concurrent users per month perform the following steps:
- Setup the Horizon PowerCLI module, link
- The following PowerCLI code display the highest concurrent license usage
Import-Module -Name VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
Connect-HVServer -Server <server> -Domain <domain name>
# Clear screen
# View API
$horapi = $Global:DefaultHVServers.ExtensionData
# Get the highest concurrent licensing usage
$getusage = $horapi.UsageStatistics.UsageStatistics_GetLicensingCounters()
$totalccu = $getusage.HighestUsage.TotalConcurrentConnections
Write-Output " "
Write-Output "The highest concurrent usage count is: $totalccu"
- To reset the highest concurrent license usage use the following code
# Reset the highest license usage
$totalccu = $getusage.HighestUsage.TotalConcurrentConnections
Write-Output "The highest usage count is: $totalccu"
By using this code you can create a scheduled task to get the highest concurrent license usage at the end of each month and perform a reset after it for example. So you know what is the highest concurrent license usage is that is connected to the VMware Horizon environment.