List all the active VMware Horizon client versions that are used

Before upgrading a VMware Horizon environment I want to known what VMware Horizon Client versions are in use. Just to be sure that the VMware Horizon clients are supported when upgrading to a new VMware Horizon version.

Another use-case is to identify the VMware Horizon Client versions that are in use for security releated issues.  In the VMware Horizon Administrator you can allow what VMware Horizon client versions are able to connect.

The following script displays all the VMware Horizon sessions and the VMware Horizon client version that is used to connect to the VMware Horizon environment.

Make sure that the VMware.HV.Helper module is installed (Link ).

    List all the Connection and displays the VMware Horizon client version. 
    Author(s): Ivo Beerens
        Make sure the VMware.HV.Helper module is installed, see:
        Copy the VMware.Hv.Helper to the module location.
    PS&gt; ./HorizonClient.ps1
# Variables
$connectionserver = 'srv-con-01'
$domain = 'lab.local'
$date = Get-date -UFormat "%d-%m-%Y"
$output = "C:\Temp\horclients-$date.csv"
# Import module
Import-Module VMware.Hv.Helper
Write-Output "", "Connecting to the Horizon Connection Server"
Connect-HVServer -Server $connectionserver -domain $domain
# List all Users and clients with the Horion client the are running
$localsessioninfo = (get-HVlocalsession).Namesdata | Select-Object UserName, MachineOrRDSServerName, AgentVersion, DesktopPoolCN, ClientType, ClientAddress, ClientName, ClientVersion, SecurityGatewayDNS, SecurityGatewayAddress | Sort-Object ClientVersion
# Export the output to a grid and CSV file
$localsessioninfo | Out-GridView -Title 'VMware Horizon Client versions'
$localsessioninfo | export-csv $output -Force -NoTypeInformation
Disconnect-HVServer * -Confirm:$false

This script (HorizonClients.ps1) can be found on my GitHub repo (Link )