Perform an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) inventory with PowerShell

To generate quickly an overview of all the Virtual Machines (VMs) in an Azure subscription I made a PowerShell script that uses the Azure Az PowerShell module. This script will do an inventory of all VMs in a subscription.


The following VM information is displayed per subscription:

  • Name
  • PowerState
  • Region
  • Resource Group
  • VM Size
  • CPU Cores
  • Memory (MB)
  • License Type
  • Operating System
  • Offer
  • SKU
  • Publisher
  • VM Generation
  • VM Agent version
  • OS Name
  • OS Version
  • NIC Name
  • VNet
  • Private IP address
  • Public IP address
  • OS disk name
  • OS disk size (GB)
  • OS storage type
  • OS disk caching
  • Data disks count
  • Data disks names
  • Admin username
  • If boot diagnostics is enabled
  • Boot diagnostics storage account
  • Tags
  • The time the VM was created

The output will be displayed in the PowerShell console, to a PowerShell GridView output, and saved to a delimited CSV file. The “azurevm-inventory.ps1” script can be found on my GitHub repo, link .