VMware ESXi 5 snapshot changes

In ESX(i) 3.x and 4.x snapshots files are default created in the virtual machine’s working directory (home directory). The working directory is the same directory as the were the virtual machine configuration (*.vmx) file is stored. In this example a VM called “test” that has two disks (VMDK’s) …

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vExpert 2012

Yesterday the 2012 vExpert awards are announced. Great to hear that I have the vExpert title for another year! Two Ictivity colleagues are on the list too. Edwin Friesen made it for the fourth year and Michael Wilmsen for the second year. Congrats guys! I want to thank John Troyer, Alex Maier and …

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Identify NICs in Hyper-V 2012

In a Hyper-V cluster are normally a lot of NICs involved. Identifying the right can be challenging. It is important to consequently label your network adapters on all the servers in the Hyper-V cluster. In Windows Server 2012 there are PowerShell Cmdlets that can be used for identifying NICs. Once …

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Unable to join domain when deploy a template using guest customization specification

At a customer I was unable to join a domain when deploying a template from vCenter using a guest customization specification. This only happened with Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 templates. To solve this problem, you need the do the following in the guest customization specification: Enter the FQDN …

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